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Saturday, 13 January 2018

Top 11 Mood-boosting Foods To Boost Your Mood Naturally

Do you know that food and your mood are interlinked with each other? Human bodies actually respond to different types of foods in different ways. There is a direct link between what you eat and how you feel.
For example, if your diet is poor, it could damage your mood. And a bad mood can actually damage your immune system, slow down your weight loss efforts and lead to tension headaches.
But, there are also foods that can help make you feel awesome because these foods infuse your body with nutrients. It allows the brain to produce neurotransmitters that give you a natural high.
It is very important that you fuel you bodies the right way and boost your mood naturally. So, here are top 11 mood-boosting foods to boost your mood naturally.
1. Salmon
Salmon is a great mood-boosting food that is loaded with essential omega-3 fatty acids. This important nutrient is required for energy production, brain activity and circulation. Eating fatty fish will increase the feel-good hormone dopamine, which keeps your mood happy.

2. Chocolate

Chocolate makes everyone happy and that is the reason why it is considered as one of the best foods to boost your mood instantly. Eating dark chocolate every day will reduce the stress hormones, including cortisol. Also, chocolate has antioxidants that are more than any other foods.

3. Avocado

Avocado is loaded with benefits ranging from protecting your heart to helping with digestion. But, you will be surprised to know that avocado is a great mood-boosting food. These fruits are natural hormone balancers, ensuring your brain to release the right chemicals to make you feel great.

4. Grapes

Grapes are packed with antioxidants and are also a great food to make you feel better. Grapes contain flavonoids, which have been found to affect your mood and lower depression. So, pack these juicy grapes as a take-along snack to boost up your mood.

5. Nuts

Nuts are loaded with healthy fats that will keep you smiling. They are packed with serotonin, a feel-good chemical that's in short supply when you're depressed. Include cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts and almonds in your diet to boost up your mood.

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