Even decades after Independence, it is very sad to note that even today there are some aspects in which the country has not progressed at all. The treatment of women is one of them.
Even today women are judged on things that are beyond their control. Their complexion, height and figure are some of such factors. The sad twist to the story is the fact that their male counterparts are not made to go through the same kind of judgmental torture.

This sort of judgmental attitude of the society often puts tremendous pressure on the individual and the girl often ends up living a dejected life.
However, the silver lining here is the fact that there are men who look beyond such narrow shackles to see through the true inner beauty. Few of the dejected girls actually have the good fortune to cross paths with such good hearted men.
Not all of them are that lucky. Read on to know the story of our 'lucky girl' Neha and her prince Arnav.
The Dejected Princess
Neha was a high school teacher. The youngest daughter of her retired parents, since childhood, she always excelled in academics. Thus, upon completion of graduation when she told her parents that she wanted to be a teacher, they enrolled her for a BEd course.
Soon Neha began to live in the career of her dreams and things were going well until the talks of marriage started doing rounds. That is when she realized that life was not so happy go lucky. Soon, her greatest shortcoming became the fact that she was dark complexioned.
Soon Neha began to live in the career of her dreams and things were going well until the talks of marriage started doing rounds. That is when she realized that life was not so happy go lucky. Soon, her greatest shortcoming became the fact that she was dark complexioned.
Over the months this started pulling up to the extent that no one would let her forget her dusky skin tone even for a day. All this left Neha dejected and sad with her life.
The Charming Prince
Arnav was a MBA from one of the most reputed colleges in the country. After his internship in the US, he started working in an MNC in Noida. Having studied in an all boys school, followed by Mechanical engineering (a steam where girls are practically non-existent), his only interaction with women was during his Post graduation days. Thus, he was not the type of guy to have dated girls. In fact, Arnav was a total workaholic.
The Meeting
Arnav was not a very social person. Rohit was one of the very few people he would call as a friend. Thus, try as he might, there was no way in which he could give Rohit's engagement a miss. Or may be all of this was Cupid's play.
It was here that he met Neha. Practically the only reason why Arnav and Neha ran into each other was because of the fact that both of them were too introverting to interact with others and preferred the balcony over the hustle and bustle of the engagement room.
There was something about Neha that attracted Arnav. They ended up exchanging numbers.
The Proposal
Soon, exchanging numbers led to catching up over coffee. This fostered the way for one meeting after another and finally Arnav asked Neha out. This put Neha into quite a fix. She knew that Arnav loved her. But whether Arnav's family would accept the same was the million-dollar question. In order to do away with her fears Arnav introduced Neha to his widowed mother. She was more than happy to accept Neha as her daughter-in-law.
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